Community Connectors are part of the local health and wellbeing team working within the Council for Voluntary Services ( CVS )
They can help you to find your way around what is available locally, and can even help you with some tricky things like learning how to access your medical records online , or how to book an appointment.
Community Connectors can help you to navigate your way around whats on offer locally – they are the experts when it comes to knowing about what clubs are going on , how to get introduced to a new activity or how to get back into doing something that you used to enjoy.
Contact a Community Connector Coordinator on 01282 433740 or email connectors@bprcvs.co.uk
For more information about the Community Connector project visit www.bprcvs.co.uk
Referral forms & more information is available on their website http://www.bprcvs.co.uk/index.php/services/community-connector-project