How to register at Reedyford Healthcare
- Check you are in our practice boundary area using the postcode checker below
- Use the online new patient registration form
- Make sure you do this for each person
- Wait for reception to contact you by SMS , telephone or email.
If you are unable to do this, you could collect the form from reception. You need to complete the form at home and then either email it to reception or bring it into the practice.
You will need one registration form for each person. We ask you to complete any paperwork at home so we have less people waiting in our reception area.
Bring the completed form to reception along with some form of Identification if you have it. This helps us to check that we set up your records with the correct details.
You also need to complete a New Patient Health Questionnaire form for each person aged 14 years or older – or who is on regular mediation. This helps us whilst we are transferring your medical records to us.
Catchment Area
We also have the forms available in an easy read version.